Saturday, 9 July 2016

Day 3 in Singapore

This nine-week journey, To the Camino and Beyond, is almost over.  Any holiday can be good in many respects.  It might be fun, adventurous, interesting, fulfilling, or resting.  Or, if you're searching for something like family roots, a holiday could be revealing.  Or a holiday could just be different.  In terms of plain fun, Singapore has been the most fun for us on this entire journey.

We found 'ifly Singapore' this morning, and for two 45 second periods, I flew in a wind tunnel.  With the aid of an instructor, I floated in the air to a height of three or four metres.  Then, I paid extra to fly to a height of maybe 10 metres or so.  It was the best fun, and it cost about $170 all up.  But I also bought the T-shirt and the video.

We paid a visit to the Merlion and thought of Jean's parents, Tom and Mag, who remember it from their own previous visit.  After the Merlion, we took the cable car and then the underground train to the Gardens by the Bay where we inspected the Super Tree Grove, which are human-made structures designed to allow creeping plants to grow over them.  They look amazing.
Our hotel, the Amoy Far East Hospitality.  The front of it used to be a Chinese temple in the 19th century.
Me flying just a couple of metres high.  My instructor stands in the wind tunnel with me.  I was a shit-hot flyer.  Some of the others were rubbish.
This design here reminded us of the Barcelona architect Gaudi.

The Camino is long over, but we're still often reminded of it.  Even here in Singapore!
Singapore's famous icon: The Merlion

We took the cable car...
...across the harbour...
..and then took an underground train... the Gardens by the Bay.
....and to the Super Tree Grove.
There are about 17 Super Trees.  These curious Martini glass shaped trees are up to 50 metres tall.
Jean and I had lunch in the restaurant near the top of one of the Super Trees.  Jean had Singapore chilli crab, while I had a curry.  It costs $10 to go up in the first place, and it's not cheap to eat.  It included a non-alcoholic drink - best not to ask for tea; you might be disappointed.
The Skyway, which is the walking bridge between two particular Super Trees, costs $8 to go up.  It is 22 metres high.  You can see Malaysia.

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