Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Padron to Teo

Our second-last day on the Camino involved about four hours of walking only.  We departed our hotel at 9.30, passing through the central area of Padron and heading back out into the country, passing, as usual, through rural scenery incorporating small villages, fields, large vegetable plots, and roads including the N550 which seems to be the main north-south artery in Galicia.  After we'd walked nearly seven kilometres, we stopped for coffee; and, after about 14 kilometres, we stopped for lunch.  I had a Spanish omelette.  We continued on until about 2 pm or so, when we reached Teo, our destination for today.

Leaving Padron

In Spain, there are many abandoned buildings such as this.  They serve their purpose, and for some reason are no longer used.  It may be a question of money.  Often, when the roof collapses, the building is abandoned.
Here, Neil and I are about 150 paces behind Jean and Carolyn.
Having arrived in Teo, we stopped for several minutes under this oak.  A little later, we strolled down the hill to the left.  Teo is extremely tiny, and we jokingly asked ourselves whether we'd seen the 'Welcome to Teo' sign.  Of course, Teo is so small, there wouldn't be one.  We telephoned the hotel just outside Teo (Pazo de Adran) to come to collect us as according to the instructions.  We were stunned when the driver turned up in a London taxi.

This London cab is one of the old style Austins, exactly as they looked back in the 80s when I lived in London - unlike the silly looking type they have these days.  But seeing this London cab on a bright sunny day instead of in drizzly English rain, somehow it didn't look right.

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